Where ‘Arches’ Came From

Why Arches? To be honest, I wish it was a better story. I wish I was hiking through the national park when I felt my life calling as a wedding coordinator. But it is not dramatic or really entertaining.

When I decided to do this, the whole wedding coordinating thing, I was looking for a non- nauseating name. I didn’t wanting to be my name of any kind, no ‘weddings by Ani’ or anything that played into the parade and industry that weddings have become ‘Grace & Lace weddings’ ‘Wonderfully made weddings’ I wanted nothing of that sort.

I thought of arches when I looked up simple weddings, and saw an image of a wedding arch. Arches national park popped into my mind. I thought it was a clever play on words, wedding arches, Arches national park. My logo is a minimalist drawing of one of the main geological arches in Arches national park. I decided to go with the name after I thought of what I want this business to be.

I do not see Arches being a fleeting project, when I think of the company I think of growth. I hope to one day have a growing team and I wanted a name that could withstand the years. If I am honest a goal of mine is to build a team of coordinators and to one day take a company trip to Arches national park to get our team photos taken. A silly dream, maybe, but I believe in the heart behind Arches. I know that there is a need for real connection in the wedding industry, and Arches plans on being here to help. We plan on being here for quite a while.


My First Wedding